17 Eylül 2024
1 hafta önce
BM: Afganistan'da her iki kişiden biri yoksulluktan etkileniyor
1 hafta önce
IŞİD, Kabil'deki ölümcül patlamanın sorumluluğunu üstlendi
2 hafta önce
Kabil'deki PD-6'da Başsavcılık Ofisi yakınlarında bir intihar bombacısı patladığında birkaç kişi öldü ve yaralandı. Patlama Taliban hükümetinin İçişleri Bakanlığı tarafından doğrulandı
Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü, Afgan Taliban'ın TTP ile arabuluculuk teklifini kesin bir dille reddetti. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü, Pakistan'ın TTP ile herhangi bir görüşmeye girme arzusunda olmadığını söyledi2 hafta önce
Pakistan Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü, Afgan Taliban'ın TTP ile arabuluculuk teklifini kesin bir dille reddetti. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü, Pakistan'ın TTP ile herhangi bir görüşmeye girme arzusunda olmadığını söyledi
2 hafta önce
Almanya, Taliban'ın 2021'deki iktidara gelmesinden bu yana ilk kez Afgan vatandaşlarını sınır dışı ediyor
Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Pakistan'ın Kulachi kentinde iki Pakistan Ordusu subayını kaçırdı, Pakistan'dan Dera İsmail Han. Yarbay Halid olarak tanımlanan bir askeri subay, Cantonment Kurulu Yardımcı Komiseri, diğeri ise kardeşi
3 hafta önce
Başkent Kabil'in merkezinde iki patlama
1 ay önce
Taliban military parade and ceremony to celebrate the Day of Victory in Bagram
Four Pakistani security forces personnel killed and several others injured in a midnight attack on security post in the Badar area of Upper South Waziristan tribal district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pakistani Taliban (TTP) claims responsibility for the attack
1 ay önce
Taliban says it destroyed two Pakistani security points at Torkham border crossing
Reports of casualties in clashes on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border
Anas Haqqani, a prominent member of the Islamic Emirate, wrote on X that xenophobia and the violation of the human rights of Afghan migrants are unacceptable.Referring to the publicized torture of an Afghan migrant in Iran by a security officer, Haqqani expressed hope that this type of behavior will be stopped and held accountable. Nevertheless, Anas Haqqani thanked the host countries, especially the neighboring countries, for their hospitality and for providing asylum and he urged Afghan migrants to return to Afghanistan1 ay önce
Anas Haqqani, a prominent member of the Islamic Emirate, wrote on X that xenophobia and the violation of the human rights of Afghan migrants are unacceptable.Referring to the publicized torture of an Afghan migrant in Iran by a security officer, Haqqani expressed hope that "this type of behavior will be stopped and held accountable. "Nevertheless, Anas Haqqani thanked the host countries, especially the neighboring countries, for their hospitality and for providing asylum and he urged Afghan migrants to return to Afghanistan
1 ay önce
The World Food Programme (WFP) has announced that due to budget shortages, it will be unable to support 600,000 pregnant women in Afghanistan this summer. WFP says that last year it was able to provide services to 1.6 million pregnant and breastfeeding women to prevent malnutrition
1 ay önce
Reuters: Reports of a fire in fuel tanks in the Dogaron economic region between Iran and Afghanistan
Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan met with Enes Haqqani, one of the Taliban leaders, in Doha, the capital of Qatar, where she went for the funeral of Ismail Haniye1 ay önce
Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan met with Enes Haqqani, one of the Taliban leaders, in Doha, the capital of Qatar, where she went for the funeral of Ismail Haniye
ISKP has claimed responsibility for an attack in Kabul on a bus carrying Taliban members. The attack involved Islamic State militants shooting at the bus with machine guns, resulting in the deaths of two and 14 injured1 ay önce
ISKP has claimed responsibility for an attack in Kabul on a bus carrying Taliban members. The attack involved Islamic State militants shooting at the bus with machine guns, resulting in the deaths of two and 14 injured
1 ay önce
The Taliban disavowed many Afghan diplomatic missions overseas, saying consular services provided by them are invalid and that people in these countries need to approach Taliban-controlled embassies and consulates instead
As per Taliban government officials, China is investing in construction of three large dams in Kunar1 ay önce
As per Taliban government officials, China is investing in construction of three large dams in Kunar
1 ay önce
The Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs said that it has evaluated the hypothetical line with Pakistan and the official borders with Tajikistan and Jammu and Kashmir.According to the ministry's statement, a delegation from the ministry has evaluated the hypothetical line with Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir, and the official border with Tajikistan in the districts of Wakhan, Zebak, and Kuran wa Munjan in Badakhshan. The statement said these borders had not been evaluated for three decades
Pakistani military releases a statement on the Bannu attack: A total of 10 militants carried out the attack, 8 soldiers were killed.The most important part of the statement: "Pakistan Armed Forces will keep defending the motherland and its people against this menace of terrorism and will take all necessary measures as deemed appropriate against these threats emanating from Afghanistan."
Early morning complex attack targeting Pakistani military cantonment in Bannu, KP province. Pakistani sources report at least two suicide bombings including one via SVBIED, which detonated on the road outside the cantonment. The sources report of at least 3 militants being killed while at least a dozen people were injured in the attack including soldiers. A faction of Pakistani Taliban's Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group claimed responsibility.
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation2 ay önce
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized2 ay önce
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan2 ay önce
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan
Afghan Taliban are not our supporters in the fight against militants, says Pakistan's Defense MinisterAt the same time as presenting the plan of the operation "Azm-e-Istihkam" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan
3 ay önce
Rusya Dışişleri Bakanlığı Taliban'ı St.Petersburg ekonomik forumuna katılmaya davet etti
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation3 ay önce
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation
Four women and a child lost their lives following deadly and devastating floods in Sar-e-Pul. Habibullah, the spokesperson for the governor of Sar-e-Pul, said that these floods occurred last night in the village of Soufak in the Kohistanat district of this province
Spain ministry confirms 3 tourists killed in Afghanistan were Spanish
4 ay önce
Gunmen kill three foreign tourists in Afghanistan's central Bamyan province