14 De septiembre de 2024
El ministro turco de Asuntos Exteriores, Hakan Fidan, se reunió con Enes Haqqani, uno de los líderes talibanes, en Doha, capital de Qatar, a donde acudió al funeral de Ismail Haniye.1 mes atrás
El ministro turco de Asuntos Exteriores, Hakan Fidan, se reunió con Enes Haqqani, uno de los líderes talibanes, en Doha, capital de Qatar, a donde acudió al funeral de Ismail Haniye.
ISKP se atribuyó la responsabilidad de un ataque en Kabul contra un autobús que transportaba a miembros del Talibán. En el ataque participaron militantes del Estado Islámico que dispararon contra el autobús con ametralladoras, lo que provocó la muerte de dos personas y 14 heridos.1 mes atrás
ISKP se atribuyó la responsabilidad de un ataque en Kabul contra un autobús que transportaba a miembros del Talibán. En el ataque participaron militantes del Estado Islámico que dispararon contra el autobús con ametralladoras, lo que provocó la muerte de dos personas y 14 heridos.
1 mes atrás
Los talibanes desautorizaron muchas misiones diplomáticas afganas en el extranjero, diciendo que los servicios consulares que prestan no son válidos y que la gente en estos países debe dirigirse a las embajadas y consulados controlados por los talibanes.
Según funcionarios del gobierno talibán, China está invirtiendo en la construcción de tres grandes represas en Kunar.1 mes atrás
Según funcionarios del gobierno talibán, China está invirtiendo en la construcción de tres grandes represas en Kunar.
1 mes atrás
El Ministerio de Fronteras y Asuntos Tribales dijo que ha evaluado la línea hipotética con Pakistán y las fronteras oficiales con Tayikistán y Jammu y Cachemira. Según el comunicado del ministerio, una delegación del ministerio ha evaluado la línea hipotética con Pakistán, Jammu y Cachemira. y la frontera oficial con Tayikistán en los distritos de Wakhan, Zebak y Kuran wa Munjan en Badakhshan. El comunicado decía que estas fronteras no habían sido evaluadas durante tres décadas.
Pakistani military releases a statement on the Bannu attack: A total of 10 militants carried out the attack, 8 soldiers were killed.The most important part of the statement: "Pakistan Armed Forces will keep defending the motherland and its people against this menace of terrorism and will take all necessary measures as deemed appropriate against these threats emanating from Afghanistan."
Early morning complex attack targeting Pakistani military cantonment in Bannu, KP province. Pakistani sources report at least two suicide bombings including one via SVBIED, which detonated on the road outside the cantonment. The sources report of at least 3 militants being killed while at least a dozen people were injured in the attack including soldiers. A faction of Pakistani Taliban's Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group claimed responsibility.
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation2 mes atrás
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized2 mes atrás
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan2 mes atrás
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan
2 mes atrás
Afghan Taliban are not our supporters in the fight against militants, says Pakistan's Defense MinisterAt the same time as presenting the plan of the operation "Azm-e-Istihkam" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan
3 mes atrás
El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia invita a los talibanes a participar en el foro económico de San Petersburgo
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation3 mes atrás
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation
Four women and a child lost their lives following deadly and devastating floods in Sar-e-Pul. Habibullah, the spokesperson for the governor of Sar-e-Pul, said that these floods occurred last night in the village of Soufak in the Kohistanat district of this province
Spain ministry confirms 3 tourists killed in Afghanistan were Spanish
3 mes atrás
Gunmen kill three foreign tourists in Afghanistan's central Bamyan province
4 mes atrás
Taliban government: The number of flood victims in northern Afghanistan has risen to 315
5 mes atrás
Taliban's Al-Mersaad Media releases interviews of two Tajik nationals who are apparently detained in a Taliban prison. They claim they were recruited by ISKP while they were residing in Russia and planned to go to Pakistan for training but were apprehended by Taliban before that
Iranian state television reporting that several Iranian diplomats seem to have been killed in the strike as well
5 mes atrás
Pakistani Defense Minister: We are not looking for a conflict with the Taliban, and we do not want to enter Afghanistan
Pakistani Army: Militants carried out an armed attack on March 16 on an army site, taking up positions to protect them in Afghanistan
Kabul announces the killing of eight people in Pakistani strikes on eastern Afghanistan
6 mes atrás
An Indian media outlet reported that at least 5 international students from African countries, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan were injured when a violent crowd stormed a hostel at Gujarat University in Ahmedebad while the students were praying, the report says
7 mes atrás
Explosion in PD-4, Kabul City
IRGC Fatemiyoun Brigade announces one of its veterans was killed 2 nights ago by US airstrikes in Deir ez-Zur province, Syria7 mes atrás
IRGC Fatemiyoun Brigade announces one of its veterans was killed 2 nights ago by US airstrikes in Deir ez-Zur province, Syria
7 mes atrás
The World Food Program (WFP) in Afghanistan said in a statement that Japan contributed US$13.5 million for WFP in Afghanistan for emergency assistance for 630,000 people, school feeding for 36,000 children & to keep WPF operational. “This contribution comes at a critical moment for the many families across the country who are less prepared than ever to face the harsh Afghan winter when hunger bites hardest,” said Hsiao-Wei Lee, WFP Country Director in Afghanistan
Mohammad Naeem, Islamic Emirate’s Qatar-based political office spokesman, on X wrote that in “Afghanistan’s Regional Cooperation Initiative” which is planned to be held today, the new chapter of the positive interaction of the countries of the region with the Islamic Emirate, coordination in the field of regional cooperation, creation of a common region-oriented narrative at the regional level, and joint cooperation to make the most of the economic opportunities of the region will be discussed7 mes atrás
Mohammad Naeem, Islamic Emirate’s Qatar-based political office spokesman, on X wrote that in “Afghanistan’s Regional Cooperation Initiative” which is planned to be held today, the new chapter of the positive interaction of the countries of the region with the Islamic Emirate, coordination in the field of regional cooperation, creation of a common region-oriented narrative at the regional level, and joint cooperation to make the most of the economic opportunities of the region will be discussed
7 mes atrás
India's Ministry of Civil Aviation on Afghanistan air crash: The plane that crashed in Afghanistan last night is *not* an Indian carrier, as is being wrongly attributed by some sources
Photo of IRGC Colonel Hossein-Ali Javdanfar, whom Jaish al-Adl killed today following IRGC airstrikes on Pakistan yesterday8 mes atrás
Photo of IRGC Colonel Hossein-Ali Javdanfar, whom Jaish al-Adl killed today following IRGC airstrikes on Pakistan yesterday
8 mes atrás
A member of the IRGC has been shot dead inside Iran, in the south-eastern Sistan-Baluchestan province bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan