16 September 2024
2 year ago
At least 8 Westerners - including 1 American, 7 Brits - have been arrested by the Taliban in Afghanistan during different incidents in the last 2 months, CNN has learned. A sharp escalation of Taliban actions against Westerners, with @peterbergencnn
White House: Biden issues order to freeze $7 billion of Afghan Central Bank funds
Two international journalists who were on an assignment for the UN refugee agency have been detained in the Afghan capital, the UNHCR said on Friday2 year ago
Two international journalists who were on an assignment for the UN refugee agency have been detained in the Afghan capital, the UNHCR said on Friday
2 year ago
Two foreign journalists on assignment for UN detained in Kabul: @AFP
Explosion at the Grand Mosque in Qala-e-Naw, the capital of Badghis province, during Friday prayers some minutes ago. Initial reports of several casualties
Russia's special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov: It's time to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorist groups banned in Russia. Taliban is not designated as a terrorist group in Russia but UNSC listed some Taliban leaders as militants2 year ago
Russia's special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov: It's time to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorist groups banned in Russia. Taliban is not designated as a terrorist group in Russia but UNSC listed some Taliban leaders as militants
Today Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is claiming a new attack targeting Pakistani border security posts in Shorko, Kurram, apparently carried out last night around 2 am. This is the same area where TTP carried out another attack recently which killed 5 Pakistani soldiers
Afghanistan: 102 security forces graduated from 3rd Infantry Brigade of 203 Mansoori Army Corps in central Ghazni province this week2 year ago
Afghanistan: 102 security forces graduated from 3rd Infantry Brigade of 203 Mansoori Army Corps in central Ghazni province this week
2 year ago
Explosion in Karta-e-Parwan Square. Reports of an explosion in Karta-e-Parwan square, PD4
Taliban government's MoD announced 600 new Taliban recruits completed military training from 215th al-Azam Corps HQ in Helmand
2 year ago
Feb 8th: Explosion via MIED against Taliban vehicle in Khair Khana, PD-17, Kabul
A woman & two of her daughters have been killed in PD7 area of Kabul city, police said on Wed.  The incident has taken place in the Jay Raees area.  Taliban police have arrested a suspect in connection to the incident who has confessed to the crime during initial investigations2 year ago
A woman & two of her daughters have been killed in PD7 area of Kabul city, police said on Wed. The incident has taken place in the Jay Raees area. Taliban police have arrested a suspect in connection to the incident who has confessed to the crime during initial investigations
2 year ago
On #ISIS-#Khorasan, #alQaida in #Afghanistan: "While they have aspirations to attack the homeland, they do not have the capability yet" per LtGen Kurilla, nominated to head @CENTCOM
2 year ago
Taliban central bank says that USD 32 million cash has arrived to Kabul in addition to humanitarian assistance
Taliban's Kunar governor's office claimed surrender of 28 alleged ISKP operatives2 year ago
Taliban's Kunar governor's office claimed surrender of 28 alleged ISKP operatives
People in Mir Bacha Kot district of  Kabul protested against the Taliban and blocked the main highway connecting Kabul to Mazar. The demonstrators demanded justice for a young shopkeeper killed by the Taliban fighters2 year ago
People in Mir Bacha Kot district of Kabul protested against the Taliban and blocked the main highway connecting Kabul to Mazar. The demonstrators demanded justice for a young shopkeeper killed by the Taliban fighters
2 year ago
A bomb blast targeted a Taliban vehicle in Paranday area of Panjshir province. No word on the casualties yet
USG offers $10M reward for tips leading to leader of ISIS' Afghanistan branch or those responsible for Aug. 26 bombing at Kabul airport
2 year ago
#Herat police have arrested seven people, including two #women, from the PD9th on charges of moral corruption. Among those arrested was a woman who was misleading others
Taliban Ranger vehicle targeted in MIED explosion in PD-3, Charikar, Parwan earlier today. As usual, Taliban claimed there were no casualties
Three persons lost their lives and three more were wounded following road accident in Aibak city provincial capital of northern Samangan privince this afternoon, officials at police chief of Samangan told BNA correspondent2 year ago
Three persons lost their lives and three more were wounded following road accident in Aibak city provincial capital of northern Samangan privince this afternoon, officials at police chief of Samangan told BNA correspondent
2 year ago
Taliban Ranger vehicle targeted in an IED attack this morning in PD-3, Charikar city, Parwan province. One civilian reportedly injured
Abdul Salaam Hanafi, Taliban deputy prime minister met with Cihad Erginay, Turkish amb and Hilal Ahmar representative.   In this meeting Turkey's amb said that they will continue their humanitarian aid to Afghanistan2 year ago
Abdul Salaam Hanafi, Taliban deputy prime minister met with Cihad Erginay, Turkish amb and Hilal Ahmar representative. In this meeting Turkey's amb said that they will continue their humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
"The Taliban must immediately release Mark before it can expect any consideration of its aspirations for legitimacy. This is not negotiable." @potus releases statement calling for US navy vet Mark Frerichs
Biden calls on the Taliban to release Mark Frerichs: "This is not negotiable”
ISKP claiming two attacks against Taliban. - IED/MIED blast targeting Taliban vehicle in Kama district of Nangarhar, claiming to have wounded 4. - Targeted assassination of Taliban member in Taloqan, Takhar day before yesterday
2 year ago
Uzbekistan halted electricity exports to Afghanistan due to blackout
Taliban raided a house in Kandahar and took four employees of former government in their custody. Imam of Taleghan grand mosque in Takhar, who was a staunch critic, was arrested for his anti-Taliban sermons; an arrest which was preceded by a shootout
2 year ago
Taliban killed ten NRF fighters in a night foray in Kashanda district of Balkh
Taliban intelligence GDI claimed seizing large cache of weapons, ammo and explosives in Nangarhar